The Master Key Foundation is a team of like minded people who are passionately committed to honoring the great work of Charles F Haanel. We feel that this body of work needs to be reintroduced to the world, and have expended a vast amount of time, energy and expense in order to provide it in a form that gives credit and honor to his various works. We will soon be re-publishing all of his books, and making available other of his writings. The foundation believes that his life’s efforts and work should be made available as broadly as possible, and we are using the funds generated from his teachings to help support getting his teachings in front of as many people as we can. The Foundation has a scholarship program, as well as various other programs to help assure that no one who has the desire to learn and experience Mr. Haanel’s teachings is denied that opportunity.
If you would be interested in receiving more information on how you can become involved, let us know.
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